To see a Doctor
If you need advice from your doctor, ring the usual surgery number. The receptionist will take your contact details to make an appointment either to see a doctor or speak to a doctor on the telephone. The reception teams will also ask you basic details about your health concern, this is in order to signpost you to the correct clinician, who may not be a Doctor. We have appointments each day available for booking in advance and the majority of the remainder are bookable for that day. We also offer Advanced Nurse Practitioner appointments.
To see a Nurse
Our nurse team provide a range of services from taking blood samples to managing stable chronic diseases, such as asthma or high blood pressure, and contraceptive care. Our receptionist will help to find a mutually convenient time for you to attend if you telephone or call into the surgery.
You now no longer need to book an appointment to have your blood pressure checked. We would like to invite you into the Tickhill site to use our new Health Monitor which takes your weight, height and Blood pressure readings. There is no need for an appointment as this is a free standing machine in the patient waiting area. Instructions are easy to follow if you would like to take advantage of this. The process only takes 5 minutes and the information is recorded on your patient record